Hi diet point for diabetics

What points should a diabetic person keep in mind in order to keep his sugar under control?
Food plays a vital role in managing your diabetes but there is no such thing as a ‘diabetic diet’. The aim is to follow a diet based around the general healthy eating principle that applies to everyone.
You should eat foods from each of the main food groups every day to provide your body with all the nutrients it needs. Many factors affect how much and how quickly your blood sugar rises after eating. The portion size of food/meal consumed is crucial. The type of food or the glycaemic index of a food item and how quickly the sugar from the food is absorbed into your system – plays a key role too.
- Add sliced fruit or berries to porridge or oats for breakfast.
- Prepare some chopped vegetables for an afternoon snack – eg, carrot, pepper or celery.
- Choose 2-3 vegetables to add to each meal you cook – eg, onions and pepper to a stir fry or tomatoes and spinach to pasta
- Choose whole grain cereals or whole grain/ seeded bread for breakfast
- Try a baked potato or sweet potato with the skin left on, for added fibre for lunch.
- Use wholemeal flour in baking and for breads such as chapatis.
- CHOOSE brown rice or brown pasta instead of white.
- Choose semi-skimmed or skimmed milk rather than full-fat milk.
- Top fresh fruit with natural or low fat Greek yogurt for a healthy breakfast or snack idea.
- Top baked potatoes or whole grain crackers with cottage cheese instead of a regular cheese
- Use grated cheese rather than using slices as you tend to consume less cheese this way.
- Eggs any way is a great way to start the day – boiled, scrambled, poached, fried or as omelette.
- Grill meat, poultry, fish or meat alternative, served along with mixed vegetables for dinner.
- Snack on a handful of nuts and seeds if feeling hungry.
- Add extra beans and pulses to meals to add bulk or replace meats – eg, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas.
- Beware the calorie count of your favourite full-fat latte!
- Always carry a bottle of water with you.
- Switch from full-sugar fizzy drinks such as sodas to sugar-free alternatives – or better still, water.
- Drink 1-2 glasses of water 15 minutes before a meal to help with hydration and portion control.
- Remove salt from the table to resist the temptation to add extra to foods before eating.
- Use other flavourings in cooking, such as dried herbs and spices – eg, paprika, cumin seeds, chilli flakes.
- Try to cook fresh and make home-made sauces and marinades where possible.
- Limit your intake of processed meats like bacon and salami, which are high in salt.
- Choose low-salt stock cubes to use in soups, in gravy and for cooking