PMS- know the devil and get right to fight

Pre menstrual syndrome is characterised by the occurrence of a combination of symptoms like bloating, tiredness, irritability, depression, breast tenderness and headache occurring most commonly in the week leading to menstruation. There are 3 main causes : oestrogen dominance and relative progesterone deficiency this can be corrected by natural progesterone sources and avoiding sources of oestrogen; glucose intolerance ,marked by a craving for sweet foods and stimulants; and deficiency in essential fatty acids and vitamin B6, zinc and magnesium which together create prostaglandins which help to balance harmone levels. While the need for these is greatest just before a period is due it’s wise to take the supplements throughout the month.
Diet advice :-
1. Eat little and often before menstruation. 2. Snack on fruit but avoid sugars, sweets and stimulants. 3.ensure your daily diet contains one table spoon of cold pressed vegetable oil rich in both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. 4. Take supplements of B6 100mg with zinc 10mg 5.vitamin C rich foods should be included 6.foods rich in magnesium should be added in the diet.
Source :- The optimum Nutrition bible by Patrick Holford.