As the summers arrive so does the sweating, dehydration and lethargy…. let’s combat these with some simple tips.
To handle the heat onslaught and ensure your body is as cool as it can be follow these measures :-
1. Eat light,small and frequent meals. Start the day with some juicy fruit at breakfast. Summer fruits such as peaches, plums , melons and pears are exactly what your skin craves for in this hot season. Citrus fruits have a cooling effect too.
2. Include salads in your diet. Consuming leafy lettuce and cucumbers can be your best bet. These contain a significant amount of water and keep the blood cool. Onions are a great too as they have the ability to beat the heat and provide relief from summer ailments.
3. If u get burnt of heat stroke week relief by sipping loads of water throughout the day. Nariyal pani is a good option too. You can also consider taking 1 tsp of onion juice as it’s a potent antioxidant that xan neutralize cellular damage caused by Sun’s rays.
4. Drink fluids even when you are not thirsty as when u feel thirsty is that you are already dehydrated. Sip ample water add lemon to it. U can also take lemonade wirh added honey and salt.
5. Wear loose , full sleeved cotton clothes to protect you from the sun and to aid evaporation of sweat. Use a hat to protect your head from the direct days of sun.
6. If u are a nonvegetarian limit your red meat and instead opt for fish.
As the mercury rises the last thing in our mind is food. But if u eat smart you will be a cool winner.