So finally I’ve started my diet today ! I will eat a balanced diet and not give in to cravings …… breakfast has gone well and I feel nourished.
Now it’s 12 noon and everyone around me is having a coffee- lemme also grab one! But just a coffee??? It’s been 2 hours since I had my breakfast – i guess I can have a little something to keep me going ! Hmmm…..maybe a digestive??
Ohhhh, finally it’s lunch time – my FAVOURITE time ! Lets see what have i got…. All healthy food and small portions sounds good.. my diet is going well and I’m being a good girl….
It’s been an hour of lunch time and I’m already hungry so I peep to see what others are eating and now my tummy is also rumbling with some different sensation as if I’m again pregnant and the baby inside is kicking me and asking for more food…. eeks!!! I guess i need to eat something or else I will collapse!!
And there goes my healthy eating off the window and I’m again caught with a packet of namkeen and some digestives ( they are healthy no??? ). After finishing the full packet I feel content… and with this comes the feeling of guilt… But it’s too late now. Let me start again tommorrow!!!
That’s the story of most of us who know how important is healthy eating. We even try and give it a shot everyday yet succumb to the mid day hunger pangs…..
So here in sharing some tips to keep these hunger pangs at bay….
1. STAY HYDRATED – water intake is a very important factor , mostly we confuse hunger with thirst and our first reaction to the feeling of hunger is eating something where as we should consider drinking a glass of water that time and wait for some time. In most cases the hunger will subside by the water consumption.
2. INCREASE THE FIBRE INTAKE IN THE DIET – fibre plays an important role In keeping you full for a long time as high fibre food takes longer to digest. Taking a high fibre food in dinner specially helps you in not engaging in night eating. You can include foods like nuts, seeds, dried prunes , Chia seeds, flax seeds , fresh fruits and salads as munching options in between meals.
3. INCREASE THE PROTEIN RICH FOODS- Proteins are known to keep you full for long without adding the extra weight to the body. A high protein and low carb diet keeps you full and also held you to manage those extra pounds. Foods like eggs, poultry,fish,seafood, lean red meat, tofu, reduced fat cheese , low fat cottage cheese and most nuts like walnuts and almonds can be included.
4. SET UP YOUR SLEEP PATTERN – This is one of the moat commom problems with the youngsters now a days, irregular sleeping patterns can invite many ailments and lead to a person being unhealthy. A good night’s sleep between 6 to 9 hours is very important. Also most of the hunger pangs happen in the night while we are working or watching tv till late. So working on the sleep time time is definately a smart move.
5. INCLUDE GOOD FATS – foods rich in good fats such as oily fish , raw nuts, seeds, cold pressed oils, ghee… all these can help slow down the sugar in the blood and makes us feel fuller thus reducing the hunger pangs. So include them in the diet in your meals and see the differnce.
6. BE A SMART SNACKER – Snacking in between meals is not bad but snacking the wrong things in between meals is certainly bad. So choose the right snack which not only helps you full but also nourishes your body well. Consider including fruits in between meals and not with the meals, have a small portion of salad with some nuts like walnuts of peanuts in between meals or a handful of seeds. Alternate the biscuits with bhunne channe or makhaane or peanuts for that matter. If you are craving sweets go for things like dried prunes or battery in small quantity.