Lemon is my favourite in summers. It’s extensively used all over the world and throughout the year in salads , drinks ,pickles and with meals . But is particularly useful in rainy season as it suppresses bile.
Lemon juice is sour in taste , quenches thirst, helps in digestion , cleans kidneys , acts as diuretic , purifies blood and imparts strength in the heart and controls bile and cough.
Some curative properties of lemon and how can we use it. DIGESTIVE PROBLEMS Lemon juice taken early morning empty stomach with lukewarm water helps in comfortable cleansing of bowels.
RUNNING COLD Lemon juice taken in warm water with little salt helps in curing runny nose.
NAUSEA Lemon juice taken with little black salt , powdered black pepper and ajwain in a glass of water relieves nausea
OBESITYLemon juice taken empty stomach in morning with lukewarm water reduces obesity
GENERAL TONICLemon juice in fresh water and honey strengthen body and heart
Taking pickle of lemon and unripe black pepper seeds helps in digestion
BLISTERS IN MOUTHTaking lemon juice in either soda or orange juice cures blisters in mouth
Apart from this lemon is also very famous among the beauty experts and it has a lot of cosmetic properties.